Thursday, September 02, 2010


Andy's feet have smelled awful lately, partly due to the fact that he left them in brief rainstorm last week and that he generally refuses to wear socks. Thus the combination of rain/mildew and sweat have been pretty ugly. Based on some kind feedback from friends on Facebook, I treated them with Febreeze and have been making an effort to leave them in the garage over night to air out. This leads us to today.

It's Thursday, everyone is cranky and we're pulling into the school at 7:54, just in time before the 7:55 bell rings when Andy announces, "Hey! I don't have any shoes on." D'oh!

My quick thinking made me decide to make him wear Meg's crocs (too small, but functional) into school so he wouldn't be late while I ran home to get him shoes, which I then had to leave for him in the office. I am sure this is the first of many times I will be returning to the office with something left at home -- homework, lunch.


  1. ok, so my first thought was his feet smelled bad, so you left his feet in the garage? Aha! Andy's shoes! My brain isn't on right this evening.
    Impressive on your quick thinking! Early in the morning, no less. Definitely deserves some sort of award!

  2. Buy some Geox shoes!~ The best invention EVER!!!! G3 had the worst stinky-feet and it was solved by Geox. I owe them a deep debt of gratitude!
