Sunday, July 08, 2007

First off, happy birthday to my new niece. She doesn't have a name yet, but she was born on cue on 7/7/07, weighing in at the healthy 7 pounds, 4 ounces. No word on a name yet, but so far, mother, baby, father and big sister seem to be doing well.

Speaking of birthdays, Andy is obsessed with birthday cake. Actually, he's obsessed with making birthday cake. If we're at the playground, he wants to go over to the house part and make birthday cake out of mulch. If we're at the pool, he wants to make birthday cake by pouring water into various cups. At home in his kitchen, he likes to use his fake food to make, what else, more birthday cake.

We were at the park yesterday and there were two older girls, probably aged 8 or 9, who were playing as well. Andy went over to them and talked to them about making birthday cake. Naturally, they thought he was cute, but crazy, and moved on. I think he's going to have to work on his pickup lines.

Photo is of Andy making birthday cake in our back yard. He takes his culinary responsibilities very seriously.

1 comment:

  1. Jack is also obsessed with birthday cake. I made a cake yesterday for our office picnic, and Jack informed me that it was his birthday cake. Jack also took ownership of said cake by picking all of the candy off of it and eating it when no one was looking.
