Sunday, July 22, 2007

Swedish sensibilities

So my dad e-mailed us this week to ask if we'd ever heard of the band ABBA. Apparently they're Swedish, he said, so Bjorn being of Swedish descent may have heard of them. My dad is apparently helping select entertainment for the Dallas Symphony and HAIR cancelled so they're offering him ABBA. Here's a slightly exaggerated account of our conversation.

Me: Dad, you've heard of ABBA. They had a bunch of hits in the 70s.
Dad: I don't think so. What kind of music do they sing?
Me: Pop.
Dad: But is that folk? Rock?
Me: No, it's pop. It was disco music. Fun and peppy. I swear you'd recognize their songs. They now play them during baseball and hockey games at intermissions and such. Besides, and more importantly, there is no way ABBA is touring and a venue for them is the Dallas Symphony. They are huge. Think Simon and Garfunkle reunion huge.
Dad: They told me ABBA. Just like I said in my e-mail.
Me: Well, the four members -- all with names beginning with letters that spell ABBA -- were married and now they're not. That was like 25 years ago. They don't like each other and are not touring. This would be bigger than the Spice Girls reunion.
Dad: Who? Maybe it's like the Kingston Trio and only one member of the band will be there.
Me: (Now sad that I know so much about ABBA) Dad, I really don't think so. One of the women moved back to Sweden and doesn't speak English any longer. The two men went on to be famous producers, including a Broadway musical, Mamma Mia. Maybe that's what this is, the music from Mamma Mia?
Dad: No, they said ABBA.
Me: Seriously, this would be huge news if ABBA was getting back together. Besides, they have cover bands, like Bjorn Again who we like, who routinely fill 3,000 seat venues so I think the Dallas Symphony might be small even for them.
Dad: So what you're saying is I need to ask some more questions?
Me: Yes, I think that would be a good idea.

The whole dialogue was so funny, it made my day. My dad cracks me up sometimes.


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    All I could think of while reading this was Bjorn Again!

  2. Anonymous1:05 PM

    When I was in high school, my mom came home and said she heard Aerosmith was coming to Hershey and did I want to go with my friends. This was during the "Dude Looks Like a Lady" days, so I should have known better than to believe they were coming to Hershey, Pa. But I said, "Hell yeah!"

    Two weeks later, my tickets arrive for AIR SUPPLY!!!

  3. Bethany - you made me snort Diet Coke.
