Friday, August 17, 2007


Andy has learned the word yesterday and he uses it all the time now. Sometimes he's right, yesterday he did go to school or yesterday he had gym. Other times, they're wild fantasies, "Yesterday I went on a plane to Texas with Mia." Oh? That's news to me. Because I think yesterday you went to school and then we played in the backyard.

He is really so verbal now. It's really amazing to listen to him in full sentences declare his like or dislike for something. He also now has reasons for liking and disliking things, like certain songs are "scary" and some things are "too noisy." It's amazing how he's learned to process language and even use pronouns properly.

I'm also amazed by what he remembers. As a baby, it was easy to distract and move on knowing he wouldn't remember I promised ice cream or something. Now, however, he remembers in great detail what I said about a certain subject. He also has vivid details about some of his friends, like Mia, and what they did and when they'll see each other next. It's really pretty cool.

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