Thursday, November 03, 2005

Not one, but two teeth!

I checked last night and Andy has not one, but two teeth coming in. I can see one of his two front teeth and what looks like the one next to that. He's going to look pretty funny when they finally come in, assuming he has one front tooth and one side tooth. Today we're playing together since daycare is closed for the end of Ramadan. I am trying to be proactive and I have an appointment to take a tour of a daycare center for when the office moves in March. I have mixed feelings about leaving where he is. Part of me thinks it's great all the family interaction he gets, but part of me thinks he should get into more of a curriculum than he would get with a babysitter. A friend of mine said to visit lots of places and decide which one feels best. She swears I'll know. We shall see.

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