Tuesday, November 01, 2005

We're making progress on daylight savings

Andy stayed up until probably 7:30-7:45 last night and slept unitl 6:30. An improvement on the new time. He was so tired last night with all the kids coming by for Halloween (we probably got about 20) that he just fell back asleep when I put him in his crib. It was adorable. We did put him in his costume one last time to walk and see a couple of neighbors. The nice lady next door even had animal crackers for him since he can't have candy (how nice is that?). We also walked over to see the twin girls across the street. They were dressed as cats and appreciated seeing another cat like Tigger. After he went to bed, Bjorn and I talked about washing his costume to pass along. What's funny is the cleaning instructions say "wipe clean." Not wash in cold or dry clean or what not. No, just "wipe clean." I'm not sure what to do except pass it along to the next person with a caveat.

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