Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Break-up

It's official - Andy got into his new school. The start date is March 1. I'm ready, I think he's ready, the only obstacle was breaking up with his babysitter. Nasrin has been very good to us as a family and it was painful to have to say we were leaving. I know, I know, teachers are used to it, but it really felt like a break-up, "No really, it's me, not you." I focused on how I wanted him closer to where I work and how it would be so much more convenient for us without getting into me wanting him to be in more of a pre-school environment. She took the news fine and I cried a little. Very mature.

To top off the break-up yesterday, Andy is going through a phase where he likes to yell and whine. Loudly. At me, it seems. I think he's struggling to get rid of his cold still and his molars are likely coming in, but damn, it's hard to take sometimes. It usually starts with him wanting something unreasonable (like staying outside in 20 degree weather) and then he manages to throw a fit for 15-20 minutes. If anyone has tips on handling temper tantrums without losing your mind, please hit me up.

1 comment:

  1. I pretty much ignore the tantrums and do my best to focus on something else. During today's looooong gift bag induced tantrum, I read a magazine.
