Why do we have to do this to each other? Can't working/stay-at-home moms just agree to respect each other and leave it at that? It's not about who sacrifices the most or whose spouse makes the most money, it's about raising kids the best you can with the resources you've been given. Bridget Jones makes reference to "smug marrieds," you know, those who are married and force their superiority upon others. I believe their is another category called "smug mommies," who are women who believe they're better mothers (and better people, naturally) simply because they stay home.
That said, I think by and large most women whether they work outside the home or not respect each other. I know I respect stay-at-home moms because it's a tough job that doesn't allow many breaks and often comes with serious financial sacrifices. I also respect my working mommy friends for figuring out how to juggle the competing interests of kids, office politics and husbands. I read somewhere that motherhood is a marathon, not a sprint, and to pace yourself because it's a long journey. Seriously folks, can't we all get along?
As a gender fighting for more equality in the workplace and more flexibility to have families within the confines of a traditionally male-dominated work force, we should be supporting each other and not tearing the other down. Together is the only way we're going to successfully fight for change.
Am I wrong? What do you think?
Stepping off the soapbox slowly...
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