Friday, February 02, 2007


Who would think I'd have a kid with lots of opinions? Crazy, right? Lately, Andy has taken to wanting to eat at the small craft table in the living room instead of in his booster seat at the dining room table. Fortunately, everything at the table and under it is wood so I can easily wipe it down afterwards.

The word of the week is "yes." Before he either said no or shook his head yes, but yesterday he started saying "yes" to questions. It's funny because it sounds so authoritative. He's really picking up words these days although I don't always know what he's saying. I do find myself listening closely and figuring it out sometimes. I remember seeing friends listening to their kids and having to translate and now I'm doing the same thing.

Big plans tomorrow, Liz is coming by and we're going to hit the Fairfax City Chocolate Festival. I have no idea if it's good or not, but it has chocolate in the name so how bad could it be?

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