Saturday, February 24, 2007

Three under three

Today we babysat the four year old twins of my neighbor. She and her husband needed to be at a meeting for a couple of hours so we volunteered to watch them. The dynamic was really fun actually. Andy really enjoyed playing with them although there is a big difference between two and four. The girls were very into drawing and we made some birthday cards for their mother for next week. They generally were interested with him, but found themselves annoyed when he wanted to scribble and not draw beautifully. One of the girls announced it was okay that he play with any of her toys so long as he didn't spit on them. I wondered what crowd she's running with where they routinely spit on her toys, but she was so earnest about it that it was hard not to consider it a valid request. By the end of the two hours, all three kids were in the tents connected by a tunnel pretending to be cats and meowing. Loudly. I was in tears from laughing so hard.

Meanwhile, we had our first announcement at playgroup today for someone expecting her third. She'll have three under three. Wow. That's just crazy talk.

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