Thursday, September 06, 2007

Breaking news

With all my blathering on with school and travel, it occurs to me I haven't mentioned the big news in the house which is I'm pregnant. I know, I know, I swore I wouldn't do it again considering how much I didn't much like being pregnant the first time and how hard I thought having a tiny baby was, but apparently time really does heal all wounds (and memories). We're excited although I vacillate being really looking forward to seeing my own tiny baby again and all the things I'll do better this time and fear at how in the world I am going to handle two when one seems pretty impossible some days. I'm due beginning of February, but in my mind I've already backed that up a few weeks. That somehow makes the time ahead seem less daunting.

I've been casually floating to Andy questions like, "Would you like to have a baby like Baby Emma?" And he usually says, "Yes. Get a baby." He them seems disappointed that we can't pick up one at Target right now. He hasn't asked about why mommy is so big yet, but I'm sure that's coming. It will naturally happen on a day that I haven't slept and feel huge, I can feel it.

What's amazing is how totally different the two pregnancies have been. After having no morning sickness with Andy, I found myself completely sick for about six weeks and even now I will find myself throwing up randomly some days if I don't seem to eat just right. It seems bizarre to me that not having a full stomach actually makes me sick, but I've already decided that Mother Nature has a pretty wicked sense of humor.

My sister returned my maternity wear and I've done a little shopping with my mother to supplement that stash, but I still find myself every night going through what I have to wear to work tomorrow and getting stressed out. Because my body is constantly changing, I find that the pants that fit last week, are now a little too tight while some of the shirts in my closet are still way too big. Sigh. Only four and 1/2 more months, that's no time, right?


  1. I was wondering when you were going to say something! Congratulations, mama.

  2. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Congratulations! What exciting news! You'll do great with two. And Andy is at a perfect age to be a big brother. What a little helper he'll be. If I didn't have my babies Britney Spears style, I would have spaced them out exactly as you have!

    I can't wait to read updates on the new baby too!
