Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Computer savvy

Seriously. This kid loves sitting at the computer. I have to do it when it's off or he does weird stuff that I'm not smart enough to know how to undo later. This picture cracks me up for many reasons. First off, look how big he seems here? Almost like a, well, person. I know, I know, he's a person and not a baby anymore, but it seems weird all the same. Second, check out the new shorter do. It's an improvement although it's taking some getting used to. Third, do you see where he left hand is? The kid isn't modest so it's more a fluke of the camera, funny though it is.

We're transitioning from formula in a bottle to milk in a sippy with mixed results. He's been such a good natured kid about everything else that I'm spoiled. He's also discovered that crying *really* gets our attention so now he tends to do it whenever he doesn't get what he wants. Lovely. I have gotten some recommendations on books on discipline that I guess I'm going to have to read. Great.

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