We went to Buy Buy Baby to return the demonic Fridge Phonics today. The woman that helped us seemed really surprised by the problem and suggested to her coworker that they check them all out for a similar problem. She replied (in that charming "I don't care" way) that they're been told by the manufacturer and headquarters that there were problems with this toy, but no one until now had said anything." Um, you knew there were problems, but you haven't bothered to find out if the ones on your shelves are defective? Not impressed. We just took the return on the credit card and left. I want to find something similar, but I haven't had a chance to find it.
And on my further rant about vanity plates, I saw a guy today in a red Ferrari with the license place "RED 4RE." Seriously? That's all you got? You spent $175k on a car and that's how clever you are? Granted, he didn't seem that smart to begin with in that he was driving a convertible with the top up on a day where it's 60 and sunny. If you don't put the top down on a day like today, when do you put it down?
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