We have a bunch of kids DVDs now, but we haven't turned any of them on because it's such a pain to get our DVD player to work. We have older TVs and lack the requiste number of outlets so in order to get it to work on the downstairs TV, I have to turn the TV around without letting it slip out of the cabinet and land on my foot, unplug the TiVo, watch the DVD and then repeat. It makes me really want to watch something before I make that kind of commitment. But Andy seems to really be taking an interest in that kind of stuff now so I was going to try to hook it up to our bedroom TV, but that one is so old it doesn't have any of the right outlets.
So I made the executive decision that I wanted a new 13 inch TV. They sell them for like $59 and that would be that. Well, it's never that easy. We went to several stores not finding anything close to what would work and then got to Circuit City where we found a combo TV/DVD player for $99. Sounds perfect. Except they don't keep any of their TVs in stock. Seriously? Who's great business model is that? So I settled for the $19 converter from K-Mart and it works great. Screw Circuit City.
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