Friday, October 20, 2006

Old friends

My friend Andrea from camp was in town with her family for a wedding so we met up today at the National Zoo in Washington with her husband and two boys, aged 4 1/2 and 7 months. The oldest and youngest kids were great, but Andy got cranky relatively early which put a damper on things. We did get to see the new baby panda who was simply adorable, very playful and quite a showman. It was great seeing my friend even though the kids got in the way of us ever completing a thought. Louie, the 4 1/2 year old, was very protective of Andy and kept trying to push his stroller (not that he wanted to be in it), hold his hand and keep him from wandering off. It was really sweet to see. It's also so weird to see the kids of old friends and look into their eyes and see their parents. Cool, but freaky.

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