Monday, March 20, 2006

He's Baack

The kid is back. He now appears to have all four molars in and is eating and acting like the champ he was before the teeth abducted his personality. He's still struggling with the two naps and will likely be dropping the morning nap altogether shortly. His sitter and I agreed that he seems to still need the morning quiet time so we'll just let him have a short time by himself to chill and perhaps sleep, then he'll go down for an afternoon nap around 1, like the big boys.

Meanwhile, his new toy of choice? A plastic Easter egg. That's right, in a house full of stimulating, politically correct, ergonometic, noisy and most of all, expensive toys, his favorite is this green egg. He loves pulling it apart and putting it back together (sort of). The process of trying to get it to go back together can occupy a full five minutes. That may not seem like a lot, but five minutes for this kid is an eternity. This prompted me to find my stash of plastic eggs and give them a good wash in the hopes of an Easter egg hunt next month.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Love your blog, K. How'd you find me?
