Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Ugh. Andy's eating has improved (he even managed to help himself to grapes at Wegman's as we shopped last night). His diapers are looking a little more normal and his mood is generally better. All good, right? Well, he decided to wake up about 12:30 last night and would NOT go back to sleep. I tried all my tricks - the pacifier trick where I soothe him by giving the pacifier back. I gave him a bottle of water. I changed his diaper. I held him. I sang (not a beautiful sound). Nothing. He did not want to settle back down. I finally went down and got some milk, which angered him even more seemingly. I alternated between letting him cry for a bit and holding him. It was frustrating. After about two hours of this, Bjorn mercifully took over and he went to sleep. I like to think I wore him out, but regardless, he finally went down and stayed asleep. His mouth seems to be feeling better, but now he's discovered his power in keeping us up. I figure we'll get over one hurdle at a time - we'll fix the teeth, then we'll fix the sleeping. Then I will get a drink and take a nap.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Tired new moms are hot. What were your wearing?
