Saturday, March 25, 2006


Today it became clear I have a toddler in the house. I finally got around to painting my bathroom today. The bathroom itself is like 4 square feet - tiny - although since it's so small, there is a lot to paint around. I taped up in the morning, painted during his afternoon nap and then this evening I went to remove the tape. Andy came in to "help" and promptly took the toilet paper roll, stuffed the whole thing into the toilet and proceeded to try to flush it. Thankfully, he hasn't (yet) figured out how to flush. I then handed him a brush that I never used that he put into the toilet, then flung the water onto the floor before sticking it into his mouth. Sure, it's gross but it's also really funny.


  1. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Compared to your food I'm sure the brush with toilet water sauce was manna from heaven.

  2. That picture is awesome. It looks like he's got a popsicle, only gross.
