Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Mr. Crankypants

I don't know if it's a cold, or teething, or fatigue, but Andy has sure been Mr. Crankypants the last couple of days. It's hard when he just whines sometimes. My older sister thinks it might be an ear infection, but part of me thinks it might just be that he's getting opinions about things and realizing that he can REALLY push my buttons. He even whined tonight and arched his back when I put him back in his stroller after playing on the swings at the playground. Damn opinions. It would stand to reason that genetically he's prone to be opinionated, but dang, I'm not ready for it yet!

I talked to my younger sister tonight. She's a vet and it's just so cool that she's got a job where she's helping people (well, animals). And cooler yet that she decided a long time ago this is what she wanted to do so she studied, worked hard and now she's doing it. I admire that.

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